38 years ago four tarpaulin tents pitched on the shore of the bay at the foot of the legendary Bear Mountain, made a start of its history. Now Artek became a real Pioneer Republic.
The great French writer Henri Barbusse who visited the pioneers called the camp «a paradise on earth». There haven’t yet been those marvellous buildings made of glass and aluminium. They are iridescent. The buildings are painted in different colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue. Fach building has its own name: the Volga, the Yenisei, the Angara, Lake Baikal, Sevang, Seliger, Kalina (Snow;ball-Tree), Ryabina (Rowan-Tree), Nezabud-ka (Forget-AAe-Not)... It would be interesting to know what Henri Barbusse w'ould say, if he lived so long to see our reality.
Artek spreads along the shore for seven miles. During every shift more than four thousand children have their rest at the kind sea. Soviet children have received a wonderful gift from their motherland!
Симферополь! Поезд за поездом прибывает к перрону. Больше всего в вагонах пассажиров с красными галстуками. Они едут в Артек!
Simferopol! Train by train arrive at the platform. Most of the passengers are with red ties. They go to Artek!
Ein Zug kommt nach dem anderen zum Bahnsteig an. Die meisten Passagiere tragen rote Halstücher.
Sie fahren in Artek!
Voici Simféropol! Les trains arrivent Tun après l’autre. Les voyageurs en cravates rouges remplissent les wagons.
Ils vont à Artèk!
Эта девочка приехала из Берлина Далекое путешествие совершает она вместе со своим плюшевым мишкой к большой Медведь-горе, у подножии которой раскинулся лагерь Артек.
This girl came from Berlin. She goes for a long journey with her little velvet bear to the Big Bear Mountain, at the foot of which Artek is spread.
Dieses Mädchen ist von Berlin an-gekormnen. Eine weite Reise zum Bärenberg, am dessen Fuße Artek, liegt, macht sie mit seinem Teddybären zusammen.
Cette fillette est venue de Berlin. Eile fait un long voyage avec son Ourson en peluche vers la grande Montagne-Ours, au p'ed de laquelle s’est étendu le camp Artèk
Сейчас автобусы, обгоняя ветер, помчат их к морю, к солнцу.
Outrunning the wind the buses will carry them off to the sea and the sun I
Gleich werden die Autobusse sie zum Meeres strand und zur Sonne mit Windeseile fahren.
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