There she is: Keke. My mother. She named me Joseph after Jesus’ father. The earthly one. If she'd named me after his heavenly father, I would've been Almighty already in childhood. Keke gave me my name before she gave birth to me. If I'd been born a girl, my name would've been Mary. After the Savior’s mother. I'm glad I wasn’t born a girl. But Keke couldn't remember when it was precisely that I was born. She said, it was about a week after Christmas. But that’s not so. I was born when I was born. Now everybody knows. And a week after Christmas, I was baptized. That’s cheap. A glass of water is enough…
Мне тут 20. Когда я впервые получил работу. В Тифлисской обсерватории. Зарабатывал неплохо. Шарф дорогой. Из-за него во время обыска один из жандармов назвал меня «интеллектуалом». Так — дурак — и записал в отчёте. Интеллектуалы мне не нравились уже тогда. Все тифлисские педерасты были интеллектуалами. А один был сразу и интеллектуал, и донжуан. Спал с мужиками, но увивался за бабами. Подчёркивая сложность натуры. Говорят, сам Дон Жуан тоже был педик.
I am twenty here. When I got my first job. In a Tbilisi observatory. I didn’t make a bad living. That scarf is expensive. Because of that scarf one of the gendarmes called me an «intellectual» during the search. And that’s exactly what that fool wrote in his report. I didn’t like intellectuals even at that time already. All the Tbilisi homos were intellectuals. And there was even one who was an intellectual and a «donjuan» at the same time. He slept with men, but — chased after women. They say, that Don Juan himself was a homo.
Пожалуйста: прошло время, наросла борода, голова отвернулась влево, но шарф — тот же. И всё-таки интеллектуалом я стать отказался. Но уберечься от бездомности не удалось. Как был тогда бездомным, так и остался: бездомность — где бы ни жил — есть бездомность.
There it is: time passed, the beard grew out, the head turned to the left, but the scarf remained the same. But still, I refused to become an intellectual. Although I could not escape homelessness. Just as I was homeless then, so — I am to this day: no matter where you live, homelessness is still homelessness.
Комментарии к книге «И. Сталин: Из моего фотоальбома», Нодар Джин
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