— Okay! Okay! But do you seriously believe that life has just occasionally appeared on Earth? Do you really think that it has never existed elsewhere, and then, nowhere but on our goddamn little planet it just occasionally sprang up? Come on![20] — Рэйзмэн вернулся от иллюминатора к бутылке.
— О чем они спорят? — спросил Маленченко у Кононенко.
— Откуда взялась жизнь на Земле, — нетвердо отозвался тот.
— До вопроса жизни на Марсе еще не дошли?
— Приближаются, — оценил ситуацию Кононенко.
— The so-called «vodka effect», — ухмыльнулся Маленченко. — Мужики! — вмешался он в дискуссию Волкова и Рэйзмэна. — Have you ever heard of the Panspermia theory?[21]
— What? — поморщился американец.
— There’s a theory saying that all the life in the Universe comes from one source… And it spreads like a virus through the galaxies… Probably, someone is deliberately sawing its seeds… And probably, it’s just happening occasionally.[22]
— Okay, I can agree that there was some meteor that contained some bacteria as it strikes the empty and dead Earth, — допустил Волков. — And that it can bring the seeds of life to it. But hell, it doesn’t explain how these bacteria appeared where they came from…[23]
— Came from somewhere else, I suppose,
Комментарии к книге «Панспермия», Дмитрий Глуховский
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