«Черная курица, или Подземные жители / The Black Hen»



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Черная курица, или Подземные жители / The Black Hen (fb2) - Черная курица, или Подземные жители / The Black Hen 2874K (книга удалена из библиотеки) скачать: (fb2) - (epub) - (mobi) - Антоний Погорельский


Дорогие ребята!

Вы держите в руках новую книгу для домашнего чтения под названием «Черная курица». Эта книга не совсем простая. Почему? Во-первых, она написана на английском языке, который вы уже начали изучать. Во-вторых, эту удивительную волшебную историю читали еще ваши пра-пра-прабабушки и пра-пра-прадедушки, не говоря уж о бабушках и дедушках, мамах и папах. Сказку «Черная курица» сочинил еще в 1829 году русский писатель Антоний Погорельский (его настоящее имя — Алексей Перовский). Он написал ее для своего десятилетнего племянника Алеши, будущего писателя Алексея Константиновича Толстого. Героя книги тоже зовут Алеша. Он попадает в волшебный подземный мир и получает в подарок от короля чудесный дар. Сможет ли он правильно распорядиться этим даром? Вы узнаете об этом, прочитав эту чудесную сказку до конца. Это будет нетрудно, если вы станете запоминать новые слова и выражения и делать упражнения, которые вы найдете после каждой главы. Чтение этой книги поможет вам лучше разбираться в грамматике английского языка, высказывать свое мнение о прочитанном, а также рассказывать о себе.

Интересных вам впечатлений! Успехов в изучении английского языка!

Перевод заданий к упражнениям

Answer the questions. — Ответь на вопросы.

Choose right. — Сделай правильный выбор.

Complete the chart. — Заполни таблицу.

Complete the sentences. — Дополни предложения.

Correct the statements. — Исправь утверждения.

Draw a picture and describe it. — Нарисуй картинку и опиши ее.

Explain why. — Объясни почему.

Fill in the prepositions. — Вставь предлоги.

Fill in the verbs. — Вставь глаголы.

Fill in the words from the box. — Вставь слова из рамки.

Match the opposites. — Подбери слова с противоположным значением.

Match the two parts of the sentences. — Соедини обе части предложений.

Put the sentences in the right order. — Расставь предложения в правильном порядке.

Say who. — Скажи кто.

Say why. — Объясни почему.

Speak for yourself. — Расскажи о себе.

Chapter 1

This story happened many years ago in St. Petersburg. The city was not as beautiful as it is today. Some of the houses were still wooden. Bridges were old and narrow.

There lived a headmaster of a school for boys in this city. The school was not very big. Boys studied and lived there. Some of the rooms were classrooms and bedrooms for boys. The headmaster with his wife and two Dutch ladies lived in the other rooms. The ladies were very old.

There were thirty or forty children in the school. One of the boys was Alyosha. He was nine or ten. His parents lived far from St. Petersburg. Alyosha was a nice clever boy. He always studied well. Everyone was fond of him.

On Saturdays, all Alyosha's friends went home to their families. But Alyosha stayed at school. He felt lonely without his parents. On Sundays and on holidays he was alone all the time. Then he read the books from the headmaster's small library. Alyosha liked fairy tales and stories about noble knights.

He knew much about many famous knights. He liked to imagine himself in a knight's castle or in a dark forest.

The school had a large yard with a wooden fence. Alyosha always played there. He liked to come up to the fence. The boy often looked through the round holes in the fence. Alyosha hoped to see a good fairy in the street some day. He wanted to get from her a toy or a letter from his mother and father. But he never saw any fairy.

During his walks in the yard Alyosha also liked to feed the hens. They lived in a small hen-house near the fence. The hens played and ran all day. Alyosha knew them all by name and often gave them small pieces of bread. He was fond of a black hen called Blacky. She liked him too. Blacky even let him touch her. Alyosha kept the best pieces of bread for her. Blacky was a nice and quiet hen. She didn't fight with the other hens. She liked to play with Alyosha more than with other hens.

It was a warm day in winter. Alyosha came out into the yard to play. The headmaster and his wife were very busy that day.

"We have a very important guest today. It's the inspector of schools," the headmaster told Alyosha. "I'm going to buy meat and cheese and fruit for dinner."

And the headmaster went away. Alyosha helped to decorate the house. Then he decided to play in the yard. First he came up to the fence and looked through a hole. There was no one in the street. Then the boy went to his hens. Suddenly he saw the cook with a big knife. He didn't like the cook. She was an unkind woman with a loud voice. She was always angry.

"She's going to catch a hen. It's terrible! But there's nothing I can do. I can't help my friends now," Alyosha thought.

He ran away.

"Alyosha, Alyosha, help me catch a hen!" shouted the cook.

But Alyosha ran faster. Then he hid behind the hen-house. The tears from his eyes started falling on the ground.

Alyosha stood behind the henhouse long. The cook still tried to catch a hen. Suddenly the boy's heart started beating harder. He heard the voice of his dear Blacky. He must help her! Alyosha ran up to the cook.

"Please, don't touch my Blacky!" he cried.

Blacky flew up to the roof of the hen-house.

The cook was angry. She wanted to tell the headmaster about Alyosha. But he came up to her and said:

"You're so good, nice and kind. Please, don't take my Blacky! You can have this."

Alyosha took an old gold coin out of his pocket. It was a present from his grandmother. The cook looked at the coin. She liked it. Alyosha wanted very much to keep the coin. But he gave it to the cook to save his favourite hen.

The cook went back into the house. Blacky flew down from the roof and came up to Alyosha. All morning she followed the boy around the yard like a dog.

"She wants to tell me something," thought Alyosha. "But she can't do it. She is only a hen."

Helpful Words & Notes

headmaster — директор школы.

by name — по имени.


1 Answer the questions.

1) When did this story happen?

2) How old was Alyosha?

3) What did Alyosha do on holidays?

4) Who is Blacky?

5) Why did the cook want to catch a hen?

6) How did Alyosha save Blacky?

2 Choose right.

1) Alyosha studied and lived in a school for____.

a) girls

b) boys

c) knights

2) Alyosha hoped to see ____ in the street one day.

a) his parents

b) the headmaster

c) a good fairy

3) Alyosha kept the best pieces of ____ for Blacky.

a) bread

b) meat

c) fruit

4) The gold coin was a present from Alyosha's ____.

a) mother

b) friends

c) grandmother

3 Correct the statements.

1) There were fifty children in the school.

2) Alyosha liked to read stories about hens and dogs.

3) Alyosha was fond of a white hen called Whitey.

4) The cook was a nice woman with a loud voice.

4 Complete the chart.

5 Answer the questions and speak about Alyosha.

1) How old was he? What do you know about his parents?

2) What books did he like? What did he do in the yard?

3) Why did he save Blacky from the cook? Was he a kind boy?

6 Speak for yourself.

1) How old are you? Do you have brothers or sisters?

2) What books do you read?

3) What presents do you like to get?

4) What do you do on your holidays?

Chapter 2

Two hours or so before the dinner the guests started to come. Alyosha wanted to see the inspector very much.

"He must be a famous knight," he thought. "I think he is young and tall and very brave."

But then Alyosha remembered the black hen. He saw the awful picture again: the cook with a knife, trying to catch his favourite hen.

"What did Blacky want to tell me?" he thought. "I can go to the hen-house. But not now. I must go to the dinner first. It is very important for the headmaster."

Soon the inspector came. The headmaster's wife saw him through the window. She told her husband about the important guest. Everything in the house started moving. The headmaster went out of the house to meet the inspector. The other guests followed him. Even Alyosha forgot about his hen. He came up to the window to see the noble knight. But he didn't see him: the inspector was already in the house.

A few minutes later the headmaster's wife opened the door of the drawing room. Alyosha came up to the door and saw … a little man in a grey suit!

"He is not a knight at all," thought the boy.

Everyone sat down to have dinner. There were a lot of wonderful things on the table, but Alyosha ate very little. He couldn't stop thinking about his Blacky. After the dinner he came up to the headmaster and said:

"Can I go out to play in the yard?"

"Yes," said the headmaster, "but don't stay there long."

Alyosha put on his red coat and a green hat and ran out into the yard. It was four o'clock. The hens were already sleepy. They didn't even want to take new pieces of bread from the boy. Only Blacky was not sleepy. She came up to Alyosha at once. He played with the hen for a long time. Then it got dark: it was time for supper. Alyosha closed the door of the hen-house. The black hen looked at the boy. Her eyes were like two bright stars in the sky.

"Is she asking me to stay?" thought Alyosha. "No, it can't be!"

After supper Alyosha went to the classroom and sat there alone. The guests left at half past ten. Before that Alyosha went downstairs to the bedroom. He got into his bed. The boy put out the light. But he couldn't sleep. Some time later the headmaster entered the bedroom. He had a candle in his hand. He looked at Alyosha and left, closing the door.

Alyosha looked at the moon. All was quiet. Suddenly the boy heard a noise. He looked at the bed of his best friend and saw something strange. "The sheet on the bed is moving!" he thought. And then a voice called him quietly:

"Alyosha! Alyosha!"

Alyosha closed his eyes. He was alone in the bedroom. He was afraid to open his eyes.

"There is somebody under the bed," he thought, "but how can he know my name?"

Alyosha sat up in bed. The sheet started moving again. Somebody called him once more. Suddenly from under the white sheet came… the black hen!

"Oh! It's you, Blacky!" Alyosha cried. "How did you get here?"

Blacky flew up on his bed and said:

"Yes, it's me, Alyosha! You're not afraid of me, are you?"

"No, Blacky, I'm not afraid of you. You are my friend. It's nice to hear your voice. You can speak so well."

"If you are not afraid of me," said the hen, "come with me now. Please, put on your clothes. Quickly!"

"You are funny, Blacky!" said Alyosha. "How can I do that? It's so dark here. I don't see my clothes."

"OK. I have an idea," said the hen.

Then she said something in a strange voice. And suddenly Alyosha saw a lot of very small candles everywhere. The candles were on the floor, on the chairs, at the windows. It was no longer dark in the room. Alyosha put on his clothes. Then Blacky said something again, and the candles disappeared.

"Follow me!" she told him.

Helpful Words & Notes

drawing room — гостиная.

at all — совсем, вовсе.

at once — сразу же.

at half past ten — в половине одиннадцатого.

The boy put out the light. — Мальчик погасил свет.

once more — еще раз.

no longer — больше не.


1 Say who:

1) wanted to see the inspector of schools.

2) saw the inspector through the window.

3) didn't want to take new pieces of bread from Alyosha.

4) left at half past ten.

5) entered Alyosha's bedroom with a candle in his hand.

6) said something in a strange voice.

7) put on his clothes.

2 Put the sentences in the right order.

1) Alyosha put on his coat and a hat and ran out into the yard.

2) Blacky came up to Alyosha at once.

3) "The sheet on the bed is moving!" thought the boy.

4) The headmaster went out of the house to meet the inspector.

5) Suddenly the boy heard a noise.

6) "Come with me now," said Blacky.

7) After supper Alyosha went to the classroom and sat there alone.

3 Choose right.

1) The headmaster's wife opened / closed the door of the drawing room.

2) The inspector was a tall / small man in a grey suit.

3) Alyosha couldn't stop thinking about the hen / coin.

4) Suddenly from under the sheet / bed came the hen.

4 Fill in the prepositions.

1) Even Alyosha forgot ____ his hen.

2) The headmaster had a candle ____ his hand.

3) Alyosha looked ____ the moon.

4) The candles were ____ the floor and ____ chairs.

5) Alyosha put ____ his clothes and followed Blacky.

5 Fill in the words from the box.

moon grass stars dog

1) Blacky's eyes were like two bright ____.

2) The ____ today is like a big piece of cheese.

3) Blacky followed Alyosha around the yard like a ____.

4) Alyosha's hat was green like ____.

6 Explain why:

1) Alyosha couldn't go to the hen-house before the dinner.

2) the hens didn't want to play with Alyosha.

3) Alyosha couldn't put on his clothes at once.

Chapter 3

Alyosha bravely followed the hen. Blacky's eyes were very bright. So they didn't even need a candle. Alyosha and the hen walked through the hall.

"The door is closed, and I haven't got the key," said Alyosha.

The hen said nothing. She flapped her wings, and the door opened. Alyosha and Blacky went to the rooms of the Dutch ladies. One of them had a big grey parrot. The other one had a grey cat. The cat was very clever. She could even give her paw.

Alyosha and Blacky came up to the door of the first room. The hen flapped her wings again, and the door opened. In the room Alyosha saw beautiful old chairs and tables. He wanted to stop and look at the tables.

"We can't stop here," said Blacky.

Alyosha followed the hen into the second room. He saw a beautiful gold cage. There was a big parrot in the cage. He was grey, and his tail was red. Alyosha wanted to come up to the cage at once. But Blacky didn't let him do it.

"Don't touch anything here," she said. "You can wake the old ladies!"

Only then Alyosha saw a bed near the parrot. On the bed there was a lady. Her eyes were closed. She looked very old. In another corner there was another bed with another old lady on it. And near her the boy saw a grey cat. Alyosha came up to her and said:

"Give me your paw. Can you do that for me?"

The cat started mewing loudly. The parrot cried: "Silly boy!" The old ladies opened their eyes and sat up in bed. Blacky ran out of the room. Alyosha followed her. They closed the door behind them. But they could still hear the parrot: "Silly boy! Silly boy!"

"That's bad," said the hen. "I'm afraid the knights are not sleeping now."

"What knights?" asked Alyosha.

"Please don't ask me any questions," said Blacky. "We must go now. Follow me. Don't be afraid."

They went downstairs and walked along the corridors. Some of them were very long, low and narrow. Then they came into a large hall. The hall had no windows, but there were three wonderful large lamps. Alyosha saw many portraits of the knights on the walls.

"Alyosha! Please, be quiet," said Blacky.

At the end of the hall there was a large door. Alyosha and the hen came up to the door. Suddenly two knights jumped off the wall and went to Blacky. At that moment the hen started growing. She became very big and tall. She was bigger and taller than the knights. Blacky started fighting with the knights. The hen was brave. But the knights were strong too. Alyosha didn't see the end of the fight because he fainted.

When he opened his eyes, it was morning. He was in bed. There was no Blacky and the knights. Alyosha thought about last night: "Was it real? Or was it a dream?"

The boy put on his clothes and went upstairs to have breakfast. He wanted to play in the yard after breakfast, but there was too much snow. So he didn't go out.

After dinner the headmaster's wife told her husband: "I can't find the black hen anywhere. But don't worry. We never get eggs from this hen. I think we can eat her for dinner some time."

Alyosha became very sad. In the afternoon he stayed in the classroom again. He couldn't stop thinking about last night. He wanted to see the hen.

"She is not in the hen-house. But I may see her this night again," he thought.

The time came to go to bed. Alyosha quickly took off his clothes and got into his bed. He looked at the other bed …. and the white sheet started moving again. And again the boy heard a voice: "Alyosha! Alyosha!" Then Blacky came out from under the bed and flew up on Alyosha's bed. He was very happy to see the hen.

"O! Hello, Blacky!" he cried. "Are you OK?"

"Yes," said the hen. "But I could be dead because of you."

"What do you mean?" asked Alyosha.

"You're a good boy," said Blacky, "but you didn't listen to me yesterday. It's bad. I told you not to touch anything. But you talked to the cat. The cat woke the parrot. The parrot woke the old ladies. The old ladies woke the knights. The knights started fighting with me."

"I'm sorry, dear Blacky," said Alyosha. "I promise to listen to you.

Always! Please, take me with you again."

"OK," said the hen.

Helpful Words & Notes

She flapped her wings — Она захлопала крыльями.

because he fainted — потому что он потерял сознание.

because of you — из-за тебя.


1 Answer the questions.

1) Where did Blacky take Alyosha?

2) What did the cat do?

3) Who started fighting with Blacky? Why?

4) When did Alyosha see Blacky again?

5) What did Alyosha promise her?

2 Put the sentences in the right order.

1) Alyosha and Blacky went to the rooms of the Dutch ladies.

2) In the second room the boy saw a beautiful gold cage with a parrot and a cat.

3) Alyosha didn't see the end of the fight because he fainted.

4) The old ladies opened their eyes and sat up in bed.

5) Two knights jumped off the wall and started fighting with Blacky.

6) In the first room Alyosha saw beautiful old chairs and tables.

7) The cat started mewing loudly.

3 Choose right.

1) Blacky flapped her wings, and the door closed / opened.

2) Alyosha put on / took off his clothes and went upstairs to have breakfast.

3) Alyosha touched / talked to the cat.

4) The old ladies woke / woke up the knights.

4 Complete the sentences.

1) "The door is closed, and I haven't got the ____," said Alyosha.

2) There was a big ____ in the cage.

3) "I'm afraid the ____ are not sleeping now," said Blacky.

4) "Was it real? Or was it a ____?" thought Alyosha.

5) "We never get ____ from the black hen," said the headmaster's wife.

5 Fill in the prepositions.

1) The hen said something ____ a strange voice.

2) Alyosha didn't listen ____ to Blacky and talked to the cat.

3) Alyosha saw many portraits of the knights ____ the walls.

4) It was time to go ____ bed.

5) Blacky could be dead ____ Alyosha.

6 Say why:

1) Alyosha and Blacky didn't need a candle in dark rooms and corridors.

2) The headmaster's wife wanted to eat the black hen for dinner.

3) Blacky took the boy with him again.

Chapter 4

The black hen said some words. There were small candles everywhere again. Alyosha put on his clothes and followed Blacky. They went to the rooms of the old ladies again.

In the first room Alyosha saw the old tables and chairs again. There were many pictures on the walls too. But the people and animals in the pictures looked very strange.

"Their faces are so funny! Why are they doing it?" thought Alyosha. "I see. They're trying to make me do something silly." The boy turned away from them. In the second room he saw the old Dutch ladies again. They were in bed. The parrot and the cat looked at the boy, but Alyosha didn't stop. Then he saw two beautiful dolls on a table. He wanted to touch them. He remembered Blacky's words. So he didn't stop, but he smiled. The dolls jumped off the table at once and ran after him. Blacky turned and looked at Alyosha. She was angry. The boy ran up to the hen. The dolls followed them to the doors. Then they went back to their places.

Alyosha and Blacky went downstairs. They walked along the corridors and at last came into the hall. The knights were on the walls. Alyosha and Blacky came up to the door. At that moment two knights came from the wall and stopped them. But the knights didn't look angry. They looked sleepy.

Blacky became big and tall again. She beat the knights with her wings. And the knights … fell to pieces. Alyosha saw that they were in fact big pieces of metal! The door opened. Alyosha and Blacky entered another corridor. Then they opened a big gold door and came into another hall. It was very large.

"Alyosha! Please stay here," said Blacky. "Today you didn't touch anything. That's good. But you smiled at the dolls, and the knights came from the wall. You didn't wake the old ladies. So the knights were sleepy, and they couldn't fight with me."

After these words Blacky left the hall. Alyosha was alone. The hall was beautiful. There were wonderful pictures on the walls. At the end of the hall the boy saw a gold chair.

"I like it here very much.

Everything is so beautiful, but so small," he thought.

At that moment another gold door opened. A lot of people came into the hall. All the people were little like toys, but they were real. All of them had nice clothes and round hats. The little people didn't see Alyosha. They started walking around the hall and talking loudly. But Alyosha couldn't understand a word. At last he decided to ask somebody a question. Suddenly the big door at the end of the hall opened. Everyone stopped talking. All little people took off their hats.

The small candles became brighter than before. Twenty little knights came into the hall in pairs and stopped near the gold chair. Then a little man in a long green dress and a crown on his head entered the hall. He looked very important. Twenty little boys in red dresses followed the man.

"This must be the king," thought Alyosha.

The King sat down on the gold chair. Then he said something to one of the knights. The knight came up to Alyosha.

"Please, follow me," he said.

Alyosha came up to the King.

"I know all about you," said the King. "You are a good and kind boy. You also did a very good thing. I want to thank you for that. You saved my First Minister."

"When?" asked Alyosha.

"Oh, it was the day before yesterday. It happened in the yard," said the King. "Please, meet my First Minister."

Alyosha looked at a small man in black. There was a little red hat on his head. He smiled at Alyosha.

"I think I know him. But I didn't save any man," thought Alyosha.

"Sir!" he said. "The day before yesterday I saved our little black hen. Not your minister."

"What are you saying?!" said the King angrily. "My minister is not a hen!"

The minister came up to Alyosha. The boy looked at him again.

"Oh! You're my dear Blacky!" he said in a happy voice.

Helpful Words & Notes

to make me do something silly — заставить меня сделать что-то глупое.

at last — наконец.

fell to pieces — рассыпались на части.

in fact — на самом деле.

I like it here very much. — Мне здесь очень нравится.

in pairs — парами

the day before yesterday — позавчера.


1 Correct the statements.

1) In the first room Alyosha saw two beds and a cage with a parrot.

2) The people and animals in the pictures looked angry.

3) Alyosha stopped to look at the dolls.

4) The dolls jumped off the table and started dancing.

5) The knights came from the wall and smiled at Alyosha and Blacky.

6) Alyosha beat the knights with a picture from the wall.

7) The little people started singing and dancing.

8) The Minister was a man in a green suit.

2 Match the two parts of the sentences.

1) The King

2) Alyosha

3) The knights

4) The little people

5) The dolls

6) Blacky

a) put on his clothes.

b) went back to their places.

c) started walking around the hall.

d) looked sleepy.

e) beat the knights with her wings.

f) sat down on the gold chair.

3 Say why:

1) the people and animals in the pictures looked funny.

2) the knights fell to pieces.

3) the King wanted to thank Alyosha.

4 Fill in the words from the box.

dolls crown clothes metal

1) Alyosha took off his ____ and went to bed.

2) The knights were in fact some pieces of ____.

3) Alyosha wanted to touch the ____.

4) The King had a beautiful ____ on his head.

5 Fill in the prepositions.

1) The people and animals ____ the picture looked funny.

2) The knights fell ____ pieces.

3) Alyosha saved Blacky ____ the cook.

4) The Minister was a man ____ black.

You read in the text about three rooms (the rooms of the Dutch ladies and the King's hall). Draw a picture of any room and describe it. Draw a picture of your room and describe it.

Chapter 5

The King looked at Alyosha.

"I want to give you something for your help. What do you want? Tell me," he said.

"Don't be afraid, Alyosha," said the Minister in his ear.

"What do I ask for?" thought Alyosha. He tried to think. But there wasn't any time for it. So he said:

"I want to know my homework without reading it," he said.

"Oh, you're a lazy boy. I didn't know that," said the King.

He said something to a little boy near him. The boy brought a gold plate with a hemp seed.

"Take it," said the King. "It's a magic seed. Now you can always get good marks without studying. But remember one thing. You must never say a word about me or my people. Don't forget that."

Alyosha took the hemp seed and put it in his pocket.

"Thank you for the present, sir. I promise not to tell anyone about your people."

The King smiled at him and said:

"OK. You can stay here longer and see how we live. Good-bye."

Then the King got up and left. The little people came up to Alyosha. They thanked him too:

"You are so brave! You saved our Minister! Thank you!"

The Minister came up to Alyosha.

"What do you want to see? The garden or the King's zoo?" he asked.

"Can we go to the garden and to the zoo?" asked the boy.

"OK. Let's go to the garden first," said the Minister and smiled.

The garden was very beautiful. Alyosha saw many bright little stones of all colours on the roads. There were many small lamps on every tree. But the trees looked a little strange. They were red, green, brown, white and blue. Alyosha came up to one of the trees and touched it.

"Oh! These are not real trees," he said. "But they are very nice."

"This is moss," said the Minister. "But it is taller and thicker than in your forests. The King bought this moss far from here. He gave a lot of money for it."

From the garden they went into the King's zoo. Here Alyosha saw wild animals in gold cages.

"Oh, there's a rat in the cage over there! It's funny," thought the boy. But he didn't say that to the Minister.

After the walk Alyosha and his friend came back for supper. In the big hall the boy saw a table with cakes and fruit on gold plates. There were gold bottles and glasses there too.

"Eat what you like," said the Minister, "but you can't take anything with you."

"Thank you, but I'm not hungry," said Alyosha. "Please, tell me about your people," asked Alyosha.

"We live under your school. Nobody knows about us because we don't go out now. Many years ago we often went out. People could see us then. Now we always stay under the ground. Many of your people can't keep a secret. When somebody says a word about us, we go away at once. We go far, far away. It's always a problem to leave our things and go somewhere with all our children and animals. Do you understand me? You saved my life, Alyosha. I asked the King to let me take you here. You know how we live. We don't want to go away from this place. We like it here. So please don't tell anybody about us."

"I promise to keep your secret," said Alyosha. "But tell me, dear Blacky, why are you a hen? And why are you so afraid of the old Dutch ladies?"

Blacky started saying something, but Alyosha's sleepy eyes closed. He woke up in the morning in his bed.

Helpful Words & Notes

What do I ask for? — Что бы мне попросить?

hemp seed — конопляное семечко.

Let's = Let us — Давай.

over there — вон там.

I'm not hungry — мне не хочется есть.

keep a secret — хранить тайну.


1 Match the two parts of the sentences.

1) Alyosha wanted

2) The King wanted

3) Alyosha asked Blacky

4) Alyosha promised

a) to keep Blacky's secret.

b) to know his homework without learning it.

c) to thank Alyosha for saving his minister.

d) to take him to the garden and to the zoo.

2 Complete the sentences.

1) A little boy brought a gold plate with ___.

a) an apple seed

b) a gold key

c) a hemp seed

2) The Minister and Alyosha went to ___ first.

a) the garden

b) the zoo

c) the library

3) Alyosha saw ___ in a gold cage.

a) a horse

b) two rats

c) a rat

3 Fill in the words.

1) I want to know my ___ without reading it.

2) You can always get good ___ without studying.

3) Thank you for the ___, sir.

4) The King bought this ___ far from here. He gave a lot of ___ for it.

5) Many of your people can't keep a ___.

6) It's always a ___ to leave our things and go somewhere with all our children and animals.

4 Complete the chart.

5 Explain why:

1) the King called Alyosha a lazy boy.

2) Alyosha didn't have anything for supper with Blacky.

3) Blacky asked Alyosha to keep their secret.

6 Imagine that you are Minister Blacky. Say:

a) why you are a hen;

b) why you are afraid of the old Dutch ladies.

Chapter 6

Alyosha didn't know what to think. He remembered Blacky and the Minister, the King and the knights, the Dutch ladies and the zoo very well.

"Was it a dream? Did it really happen?" he thought.

Then the boy thought about the hemp seed. He took his coat. The seed was in the pocket.

"Let's see how the King keeps his word," he thought. "Lessons start tomorrow, but I still don't know my History lesson. The headmaster told me to learn four pages from the book."

The boys came back to school after the holidays. The second lesson that day was History. It was the headmaster's lesson. Alyosha was afraid to look at the headmaster. He put his hand in his pocket. The hemp seed was there. At last the headmaster said:

"Now we're going to listen to Alyosha. Alyosha, please say your lesson."

Alyosha came up to the headmaster and opened his mouth. He didn't know his homework. But at that moment he started talking. He said his lesson without any mistakes.

"Very well," said the headmaster.

But Alyosha was not happy.

"I didn't learn that," he thought. "I don't like it at all."

Alyosha became the best pupil at once. He got only very good marks. He always knew his homework without studying. He never made any mistakes in his tests. All this time Alyosha didn't see Blacky. At first he called her in the evening. But she didn't come to see him.

"I know she is busy. She's the minister," he thought.

Then he remembered her only from time to time.

Soon all St. Petersburg knew about a very clever boy. The inspector of schools came to Alyosha's school four times to listen to him. The headmaster was happy. His school was famous now. Many mothers and fathers asked him to take their children.

At first Alyosha's gift made him sad. But then he started thinking a lot of himself. "I am better and cleverer than the other children," he thought. And he showed it to the other boys. He was no longer a good and kind boy. He became proud and naughty.

One day a voice inside him said:

"Don't be so bad, Alyosha! Yes, you have this gift. But you are not better than the other children."

But Alyosha didn't listen to that voice. Each day everyone liked him less and less. The headmaster didn't know what to do with him. He told the boy to learn more and more. But it didn't help. Alyosha didn't study at all, but he always knew his homework very well.

One day the headmaster told him to learn by heart twenty pages. But Alyosha was more naughty than usual. So he didn't even open the book.

"Why should I learn something? I've got my magic seed," he thought.

The next day the headmaster opened the book and said:

"Alyosha, please say your lesson."

Alyosha stood up and came up to the headmaster. Everyone looked at him. Alyosha opened his mouth … and nothing happened!

"What is happening?" said the headmaster. "Say your lesson."

Alyosha couldn't say a word. He didn't know the lesson.

"What does this mean, Alyosha?" the headmaster asked. "Why don't you speak?"

Alyosha put his hand in the pocket. The seed wasn't there. It was terrible!

"I'm sorry," said the boy. He started crying.

The headmaster became very angry.

"Go to the bedroom," he said, "and learn your lesson. Now!"

Helpful Words & Notes

how the King keeps his word — как король держит слово.

At first — Сначала.

from time to time — время от времени.

he started thinking a lot of himself — он начал зазнаваться.

to learn by heart — выучить наизусть.

than usual — чем обычно.

Why should I learn something? — С какой стати я должен что-то учить?


1 Answer the questions.

1) Did the King keep his word?

2) When did the magic seed help Alyosha for the first time?

3) Was Alyosha happy then?

4) How did the King's present change Alyosha?

5) Why did the headmaster tell him to learn twenty pages by heart?

6) What happened at the History lesson the next day?

2 Match the two parts of the sentences.

1) Alyosha

2) Everyone

3) The headmaster

4) The boys

5) St. Petersburg

a) came back to school after the holidays.

b) never made any mistakes in his tests.

c) knew about a very clever boy.

d) liked him less and less.

e) told the boy to learn more and more.

3 Choose right.

1) Alyosha always / never knew his homework without studying.

2) He never / always made mistakes in his tests.

3) At first Alyosha's gift made him happy / sad.

4) The headmaster told the boy to learn more and more / less and less.

5) Each day the other pupils liked Alyosha less and less / more and more.

4 Fill in the prepositions.

1) Can you learn two pages ____ heart?

2) Alyosha started thinking a lot ____ himself.

3) Alyosha was afraid ____ look at the headmaster.

4) At first the boy called Blacky ____ the evening.

5) Then he remembered her only ____ time to time.

5 Say why:

1) Alyosha became proud and naughty.

2) Blacky didn't come to see Alyosha.

3) the inspector of schools came to listen to Alyosha.

6 Is it important to keep your word? Do you always keep your word?

Chapter 7

Alyosha went to the bedroom. But he didn't take the book. He started looking for the hemp seed. First he looked in all his pockets. Then he looked under the bed. No seed!

"It may be in the yard," Alyosha thought. "I played there yesterday. I lost it there. But how can I get it back? I can't leave the room now."

The boy decided to call Blacky.

"Dear Blacky!" he said. "Dear Minister! Please, come to me. Give me another seed!"

But Blacky didn't come. Alyosha sat down on a chair and started crying again. Soon it was time for dinner. The door opened. The headmaster came into the bedroom.

"Do you know the lesson now?" he asked Alyosha.

"No," said the boy.

"Then learn it!" said the headmaster angrily. He left the bedroom. Soon he came again. He brought Alyosha a glass of water and a piece of bread.

Alyosha started reading his book. He tried hard to learn the text by heart. But it was hard for him now.

He stopped studying long time ago. In the evening he knew only two pages.

It was time to go to bed. The boys came into the bedroom. With them came the headmaster again.

"Alyosha, do you know the lesson?" he asked.

"Only two pages," said Alyosha.

"I see. Then you can learn it in the morning," said the headmaster. "Sorry, but no breakfast for you. Only some bread and water again."

The headmaster left. Alyosha tried to speak to the other boys. But his friends didn't like him any longer. So no one said a word to him. Alyosha went to bed in tears. But he couldn't sleep. He was very sad.

"Blacky doesn't want to see me either," he thought.

Suddenly the sheet started moving.

"Blacky! Blacky!" said Alyosha in a low voice.

The sheet moved once more. Then the black hen flew up on the boy's bed. Alyosha was very happy to see his friend.

"Oh, Blacky!" he said. "Why didn't you come? I am your friend."

"Yes," said the hen. "I know. You are my friend. And you saved me from the cook. You were a good boy then. Everyone liked you. But now… you are awful!"

Alyosha started crying. Blacky spoke to him for a long time. She asked him to become a nice, kind boy again. In the end the hen told him:

"I must leave you now, Alyosha. Here is your hemp seed. You lost it in the yard. Our King doesn't take his present away from you. But you should become a good boy. And remember your promise. Don't tell anyone about us, Alyosha!"

Alyosha took the hemp seed from the hen.

"Dear Blacky, thank you for your help. Don't worry. I promise to become better in the morning."

"It is not easy. Remember that," said the hen. "I'm sorry, I must go now. Good-bye, Alyosha!"

Alyosha looked at the hemp seed. He was happy again.

"I can say twenty pages of the text without a mistake now. And it is very easy to become better," he thought.

The next morning the headmaster told Alyosha to come to the classroom.

"Do you know your lesson?" he said.

"Yes, I do," said the boy quickly.

And he said his lesson without any mistakes. Then he looked at the headmaster and the boys. The headmaster didn't like Alyosha's proud smile.

"You know your lesson now," said the headmaster. "But why didn't you want to say it yesterday?"

"I didn't know it yesterday," said Alyosha.

"Didn't you?" said the headmaster. "Yesterday evening you knew two pages. You told me that. And today you know all twenty pages without any mistakes! When did you learn them?"

Alyosha said in low voice:

"I learned them in the morning."

But then the children shouted:

"No! He didn't look at the book this morning."

Alyosha said nothing.

"Answer me!" the headmaster said. "When did you learn the lesson?"

Alyosha didn't know what to say.

Helpful Words & Notes

He tried hard — Он очень старался.

in tears — в слезах.


1 Answer the questions.

1) Did Alyosha start learning his lesson at once?

2) What did Alyosha have for dinner?

3) How many pages did Alyosha know in the evening?

4) What did Blacky give Alyosha?

5) What did Alyosha promise to Blacky?

6) What happened at the next History lesson?

2 Put the sentences in the right order.

1) It was time to go to bed.

2) Alyosha said his lesson without any mistakes.

3) Blacky asked Alyosha to become a nice, kind boy again.

4) Alyosha started looking for the hemp seed.

5) The headmaster didn't like Alyosha's proud smile.

6) Alyosha tried hard to learn the text by heart.

7) The headmaster brought Alyosha a glass of water and a piece of bread.

3 Match the opposites.

4 Choose right: do, did, didn't.

1) No, he ____ look at the book this morning.

2) When ____ you learn all the pages?

3) Why ____ you want to say it yesterday?

4) Alyosha, ____ you know the lesson now?

5 Say why:

1) Alyosha could learn only two pages.

2) The other boys didn't want to be Alyosha's friend any longer.

3) Blacky talked to Alyosha for a long time.

6 Is it easy for you learn something by heart? What do you usually learn by heart?

Chapter 8

The headmaster was very angry. He said:

"You are a clever boy, Alyosha. But yesterday you were very naughty. And you are naughty today. I am going to punish you for that."

It was a terrible thing for Alyosha.

"Boys!" said the headmaster to the other children. "Don't speak to Alyosha." The headmaster took the birch. Alyosha ran up to the headmaster in tears:

"Please, don't do it. I promise to become better!"

"Why didn't you think about it before?" asked the headmaster.

The other boys asked the headmaster to forgive Alyosha.

"Very well," said the headmaster, "I forgive you. But first you must say when you learned the lesson."

Alyosha was very unhappy. He forgot his promise to the King and his minister. He told the headmaster about the black hen. He told him about the knights and the underground people.

The headmaster stopped the boy.

"What!" he cried angrily. "You're trying to tell me a story about a hen now! That is too much. No, children. I must punish this boy!"

The headmaster punished Alyosha. After that the boy went to the bedroom. It was a terrible time for him. Alyosha put his hand in his pocket. The hemp seed wasn't there. The boy started crying again.

That evening he went to bed with the other children. But he couldn't sleep.

"I must become better. I was so bad," he thought. "And I can't get the hemp seed back now."

Suddenly the sheet moved. Alyosha closed his eyes. He was afraid of seeing Blacky.

"Only yesterday I promised her to become better. What can I tell her now?" he thought.

Somebody came up to his bed. A voice called his name: "Alyosha! Alyosha!" It was the voice of Blacky.

Alyosha opened his eyes. But it was not the black hen near his bed. The boy saw a sad small man in black. He had his little red hat on his head.

"Alyosha!" said the Minister. "I can see that you are not sleeping. I want to tell you something important. We are going away. Good-bye, Alyosha!"

"Good-bye, Blacky!" said Alyosha. "Good-bye! And please forgive me."

"Alyosha," said the Minister sadly, "I forgive you. You saved my life. I still love you. But we can't stay under your school any longer. We are going far away. Everyone is so unhappy! We lived here many years. It was such a good place!"

Alyosha tried to take the Minister's small hand. Suddenly he saw something strange.

"What is it on your hands?" he asked.

The Minister showed him his hands. Alyosha saw gold chains.

"I must wear these chains now," said the Minister. "But don't cry, Alyosha! Your tears can't help me. Do one thing for me: be a good boy. Good-bye!"

And the Minister disappeared under the bed.

"Blacky! Blacky!" cried Alyosha. But Blacky didn't say a word.

Alyosha didn't sleep all night. He heard voices under the floor. He got out of the bed and sat down on the floor. He listened to the voices for a long time.

"The little people are going away because of me," he thought.

Then he heard the voice of Minister Blacky:

"Good-bye, Alyosha! Good-bye!"

The next morning the children found Alyosha on the floor. He was ill. They put him to bed. Soon the doctor came.

"The boy is very ill," he said. "He must stay in bed."

Alyosha stayed in bed for a long time.

In spring he was back in classroom. The headmaster and the other boys didn't talk to him about the black hen or about the birch. Alyosha didn't like to remember them, either. He tried to be good and kind. Everyone became nice to him again. But he couldn't learn twenty pages by heart. In fact, nobody asked him to do that any more.

Helpful Words & Notes

birch — розга; березовый прут, который использовался для телесного наказания.

chains — цепи.


1 Say who:

1) took the birch.

2) told the headmaster about the black hen.

3) went to bed with the other children.

4) had gold chains on his hands.

5) found Alyosha on the floor in the morning.

6) became nice to Alyosha again.

2 Correct the statements.

1) The other boys asked the headmaster to punish Alyosha.

2) Alyosha didn't say a word about the little people.

3) The hemp seed was still in Alyosha's pocket.

4) Alyosha was happy to see Blacky.

5) Alyosha stayed in bed for two days.

6) Alyosha could still learn twenty pages by heart.

3 Fill in the verbs.

1) You are very naughty today. I am going to ____ you for that.

2) Please don't punish me. I ____ to become better.

3) I must ____ these chains now.

4) Good-bye, Blacky! And please ____ me.

5) Your tears can't ____ me, Alyosha.

4 Fill in the prepositions.

on, for, because of, about

1) Why didn't you think ____ it before?

2) What is it ____ your hands?

3) Blacky is going away ____ me.

4) Do one thing ____ me: try to be a good boy.

5 Answer the questions and speak about the end of the story.

1) Why did the headmaster punish Alyosha?

2) Why did Alyosha tell the headmaster about the little people?

3) What happened to Blacky and the underground people?

4) What happened to Alyosha?

Did you like the story? What can you say about Alyosha? Do you like him? Was he always brave?



alone [əˈləʊn] а один, оставшийся в одиночестве

along [ə’lɔ:ŋ] prep вдоль, по

already [ɔːlˈredɪ] adv уже

always [ˈɔːlweɪz] adv всегда

angrily [æŋgrɪlɪ] adv сердито

angry ['aengn] а сердитый, злой

animal [ˈænɪməl] n животное

another [ə’nʌðər] а еще один, другой такой же

around [əˈraʊnd] prep вокруг

ask [ɑːsk] v спрашивать ask a question задавать вопрос ask for просить чего-л.

awful [’ɔ:fəl] а ужасный


beat [biːt] v бить, побеждать; биться

became [bɪˈkeɪm] форма прошедшего времени от become

because [bɪˈkɒz] cj потому что

become [become] v становиться

before [bɪˈfɔː] prep перед, до; раньше

behind [bɪˈhaɪnd] prep за, позади

best [best] а лучший

better [ˈbetə] а лучше

bottle [ˈbɒtl] n бутылка

bought [bɔːt] форма прошедшего времени от buy

brave [breɪv] а смелый

bravely [ˈbreɪvlɪ] adv смело

bread [bred] n хлеб

bridge [bridge] n мост

bright [braɪt] а яркий

bring [brɪŋ] v приносить

brought [brɔːt] форма прошедшего времени от bring

busy [ˈbɪzɪ] а занятой


cage [keɪdʒ] n клетка

call [kɔːl] v звать; называть

came [keɪm] форма прошедшего времени от come

candle [ˈkændl] n свеча

castle ['ka: sl] n замок

catch [kætʃ] v поймать

chain [tʃeɪn] n цепь

change [tʃeɪndʒ] v (из)менять

cheese [tʃiːz] n сыр

city [siti] n (большой) город

clothes [kləʊðz] n одежда

coin [koin] n монета

colour [kʌləʳ] n цвет

come [kʌm] v приходить, приезжать

come out выходить

come up подходить, приближаться

cook [kʊk] n повар, повариха

corner [ˈkɔːnə] n угол

cried [kraid] форма прошедшего времени от cry

crown [kraun] n корона

cry [krai] v кричать; плакать


dead [ded] а мертвый, умерший

decide [di'said] v решать, принимать решение

decorate [dekəreɪt] v украшать

disappear [ˌdɪsəˈpɪə] v исчезать

doll [dɒl] n кукла

downstairs [daʊnˈstɛəz] adv вниз no лестнице

drawing room [drɔːɪŋ rum] n гостиная

dream [dri: m] n сон

during ['djʊərɪŋ] prep во время, в течение

Dutch [dʌtʃ] а голландский


each [iːtʃ] а каждый

ear [ɪə] n ухо

easy ['i: zi] а легкий, простой; adv легко, просто

egg [eg] n яйцо

either [aɪðə] adv тоже, также (в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях)

end [end] п конец

even [’i: vən] adv даже

everywhere [evrɪwɛə] adv везде


faint [feint] v потерять сознание

fairy [fean] n фея, волшебница

fairy tale ['fesnteil] n сказка

fall [fɔːl] n падать

famous [feɪməs] а известный, знаменитый

far [fa: ] adv далеко

favourite [feɪvərɪt] а любимый

feed [fiːd] v кормить

fell [fel] форма прошедшего времени от fall

fence [fens] n забор

fight [fait] v сражаться, драться

flap [flæp] v хлопать

flew [fluː] форма прошедшего времени от fly

fly [flai] v летать fly up взлетать

follow [fɒləʊ] v следовать, идти за (кем-л.)

for [fo: ] prep для, за, на протяжении

forget [fəˈget] v забывать

forgive [fəˈgɪv] v прощать

forgot [fəˈgɒt] форма прошедшего времени от forget

from [from] prep от, с, из

fruit [fruːt] n фрукты

funny [ˈfʌnɪ] а смешной


garden [ˈgɑːdn] n сад

gave [geiv] форма прошедшего времени от give

gift [gift] n дар

give [giv] v (от)давать

glass [gla: s] n стакан

go [gəʊ] v идти, ехать

go away уходить, уезжать

go out выходить

gold [gəʊld] а золотой

ground [graʊnd] n земля, почва

grow [grəʊ] v расти

guest [gest] n гость


hall [hɔ:l]] n зал

happen [ˈhæpən] v происходить, случаться

hard [ha: d] а трудный; adv упорно, настойчиво

headmaster [ˈhedˈmɑːstə] n директор школы

hear [hɪəʳ] v (у)слышать

heard [h3ːd] форма прошедшего времени от hear

help [help] n помощь; v помогать

hen [hen] n курица

hid [hid] форма прошедшего времени от hide

hide [haid] v прятать(ся)

hole [həʊl] n дыра

homework [ˈhəʊmw3ːk] n домашняя работа

hungry [ˈhʌŋgrɪ] а голодный

husband [ˈhʌzbənd] n муж


ill [il] а больной

imagine [ɪˈmædʒɪn] v представлять, воображать

important [ɪmˈpɔːtənt] а важный

inside [‚ɪn’saɪd] prep внутри


jump [dʒʌmp] v прыгать

jump off спрыгнуть


keep [ki: p] v держать, не отдавать

keep a secret хранить тайну

keep a word держать слово

key [kiː] n ключ

kind [kaɪnd] а добрый

knife [naif] n нож

knight [nait] n рыцарь


last [la: st] a последний; прошлый at last наконец

later [ˈleɪtəʳ] adv позже

lazy [ˈleɪzɪ] а ленивый

learn [l3ːn] v учить, узнавать

leave [li: v] v уходить, покидать (какое-то место); оставлять

left [left] форма прошедшего времени от leave

less [les] adv меньше

lesson [ˈlesn] n урок

let [let] v позволять, разрешать

like [laɪk] а подобный, похожий; adv подобно

like [llaɪk] v нравиться, любить

little [ˈlɪtl] а маленький; adv мало

lonely [ˈləʊnlɪ] а одинокий

long [lɒŋ] а длинный; долгий; adv долго

look [lʊk] v смотреть; выглядеть look for искать

lose [luːz] v терять

lost [lost] форма прошедшего времени от lose

low [ləʊ] a низкий; тихий (о голосе)


magic [ˈmædʒɪk] а волшебный

make [meɪk] v делать; заставить кого-л. сделать что-л.

mark [ma: k] n отметка, оценка

mean [mi: n] v значить; иметь в виду

meat [mi: t] n мясо

metal ['metl] n металл

mew [mju: ] v мяукать

mistake [mɪsˈteɪk] n ошибка

money [’mʌnɪ] n деньги

moon [mu: n] n луна

moss [mɒs] n мох

mouth [maʊθ] n рот

move [mu: v] и двигать(ся)


narrow [’nærəʋ] а узкий

naughty [ˈnɔːtɪ] а непослушный

need [ni: d] v нуждаться

never [ˈnevəʳ] adv никогда

next [nekst] о следующий

nice [nais] а хороший, приятный

noble [ˈnəʊbl] а благородный

noise [nɔɪz] n шум

nothing [’nʌƟɪŋ] pron ничего


once [wʌns] adv однажды

at once сразу

once more еще раз

open [ˈəʊpən] v открывать(ся)


parents [ˈpɛərənts] n родители

parrot [ˈpærət] n попугай

paw [pɔː] n лапа (о животных)

piece [piːs] n кусок

place [pleɪs] n место

plate [pleɪt] n тарелка, блюдо

portrait [ˈpɔːtreɪt] n портрет

problem [ˈprɒbləm] n проблема, трудность

promise [ˈprɔmɪs] v обещать

proud [praʊd] а гордый; высокомерный

punish [ˈpʌnɪʃ] v наказывать

put [put] (форма прошедшего времени совпадает с инфинитивом) класть

put on надевать (об одежде)

put out погасить (свет)


quiet [ˈkwaɪət] а тихий

quietly ['kwaɪətlɪ] adv тихо


ran [ræn] форма прошедшего времени от run

run away убежать

rat [ræt] n крыса

real [rɪəl] а настоящий

really [ˈrɪəlɪ] adv в самом деле

remember [rɪˈmembə] v помнить; вспоминать

roof [ruːf] n крыша

round [raʊnd] а круглый


sad [sæd] а грустный, печальный

sat [sæt] форма прошедшего времени от sit

Saturday ['sastad(e)i] n суббота

save [seɪv] v спасать

saw [sɔː] форма прошедшего времени от see

secret [ˈsiːkrɪt] n секрет, тайна

see [siː] v (у)видеть

seed [siːd] n семечко, зернышко

sheet [ʃiːt] n простыня

shout [ʃaʊt] v кричать

show [ʃəu] v показывать

silly [ˈsɪlɪ] а глупый

sit [sit] v сесть; сидеть

sit down садиться

sit up сесть (в постели)

sleepy [ˈsliːpɪ] а сонный

smile [smaɪl] n улыбка; v улыбаться

so [səu] adv так, настолько; поэтому

some [sAm] pron некоторый; немного, несколько

somebody [ˈsʌmbədɪ] pron кто-то

something [ˈsʌmθɪŋ] pron что-то

spring [sprɪŋ] n весна

stand [stænd] v стоять

star [stɑːʳ] n звезда

start [stɑːt] v начинать

stay [steɪ] v оставаться

still [stɪl] adv всё еще

stone [stəun] n камень

stood [stud] форма прошедшего времени от stand

strange [streɪndʒ] а странный

suddenly [ˈsʌdnlɪ] adv вдруг, неожиданно

suit [suːt] n костюм

Sunday ['sand(e)i] n воскресенье


tail [teɪl] n хвост

take [teɪk] v брать, взять

take off снимать (об одежде)

talk [ta: k] v говорить, разговаривать

tear [tɪəʳ] n слеза

terrible [ˈterəbl] а страшный, ужасный

text [tekst] n текст

thank [Oaenk] v благодарить

that [ðæt] pron то, это; cj что

thick [θɪk] а толстый

think [θɪŋk] v (по)думать

thought [θɔːt] v форма прошедшего времени от think

through [θruː] prep через

today [təˈdeɪ] adv сегодня

touch [tʌtʃ] v трогать

toy [tɔɪ] n игрушка

tried [traɪd] форма прошедшего времени от try

try [traɪ] v пытаться, стараться


underground [ˈʌndəgraund] а подземный

understand [ʌndəˈstænd] v понимать

unkind [ʌnˈkaɪnd] а недобрый


voice [vɔɪs] n голос


wake [weɪk] v будить

wake up просыпаться

walk [wɔːk] n прогулка; v идти пешком; прогуливаться

want [wɒnt] v хотеть

water [ˈwɔːtəʳ] n вода

wear [wɛəʳ] v носить (одежду, украшения и т. п.)

went [went] форма прошедшего времени от go

wife [waɪf] n жена

wild [waɪld] а дикий

winter [ˈwɪntəʳ] n зима

woke [wəuk] форма прошедшего времени от wake

wonderful [ˈwʌndəful] а замечательный, удивительный

wooden [ˈwudn] а деревянный

worry [wʌrɪ] v волноваться, беспокоиться


yard [jɑːd] n двор

yesterday [ˈjestədeɪ] adv вчера


  • Предисловие
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  • Chapter 2
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  • Chapter 3
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  • Chapter 4
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  • Chapter 5
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  • Chapter 6
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  • Chapter 7
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  • Chapter 8
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