Карлтон Стивенс Кун
The races of Europe
«The races of Europe»
One of the most important anthropological overviews of European racial types ever published. Although some of its conclusions have since been eclipsed by DNA studies, this work remains a standard in racial typology. Harvard professor of anthropology, Carleton S. Coon, concluded that: - The white race is of dual origin consisting of Upper Paleolithic (mixture of sapiens and neanderthals) types and Mediterranean (purely sapiens) types; - The Upper Paleolithic peoples are the truly indigenous peoples of Europe; -The Mediterraneans invaded Europe in large numbers during the Neolithic period; -When reduced Upper Paleolithic survivors and Mediterraneans mix, a process of "dinarization" occurs which produces a hybrid with non-intermediate features, epitomized by the Dinaric race. Contains the full set of original photographic plates. Once a college standard, this book has been suppressed for 50 years.
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